How to Look for the Best HRIS and Payroll Software

How to Look for the Best HRIS and Payroll Software

How to look for the best HRIS and payroll software?

  1. Assess the needs of the company
  2. Review the available software features
  3. Accept demo offers
  4. Determine the investment cost


  • Understanding the needs of the company helps identify which specific tasks need improvement and priority.
  • Evaluating the features of HRIS and payroll solutions ensures they can address your process’ pain points.
  • The demo offers a first-hand experience with the software. It allows you to assess its usability, functionality, and suitability more closely.
  • Calculating investment cost and potential return is important. It checks the affordability and long-term benefits of the system.

An HRIS system is an important addition to company processes. It helps streamline tasks such as attendance tracking and employee data management. While these two are major responsibilities in human resources, there is another leading function that many require in their IT software.

30% of businesses require the payroll integrated into their HRIS platform. This feature helps with the tedious task of distributing the right salary to each employee across departments. It is a labor-intensive job when it is done manually and unintegrated to other systems. Therefore, to find the best HRIS and payroll software for you, treat this article as a guide.

Assess the Needs of the Company

You must know your company’s specific needs to identify the HRIS solution for your organization. Not all situations are alike especially when businesses are from different industries.

Assessing your current business practices is key. This evaluation will help identify which tasks need improvement and which to maintain. A comprehensive overview of all the HR and payroll tasks is required. From this, you can go through each function to identify pain points.

Common pain points for HR and payroll duties are the following:

  • Data entry errors lead to incorrect paychecks
  • Staying up-to-date with every compliance and regulatory change
  • Time-consuming and labor-intensive nature of payroll processes
  • Managing and handling different and complex pay structures
  • Difficulty in getting cross-analysis of various data from other processes
  • Tracking attendance, sick leaves, vacation leaves, and more
  • Securing sensitive and private data

By reviewing all the tasks under the human resources department, you can prioritize which areas need prioritizing. This approach will guide you in finding the best-suited software system for you.

Review the Available Software Features

Review the available software features

While core facets are the software’s foundation, additional features make the solution perfect for you. Using them increases your ability to customize the software for your company’s processes. They can often address specific pain points of your procedures. They are necessary for the seamless support of the team.

Features that companies seek to improve their HR and payroll tasks include the following:

  • Timekeeping and attendance monitoring
  • Onboarding and offboarding trackers
  • Tax services and reporting
  • Training management and requirements
  • Job and pay history
  • Payroll management and distribution
  • Compliance management
  • Recruitment and employee lifecycle
  • Accounting systems integration

With a reliable IT systems provider, these qualities are readily available and equipped in their software. This enables companies to conveniently incorporate it into their existing practices.

Accept Demo Offers

It is not enough to learn the specifications and theoretical financial considerations. You need to get real-time experience on the platform to make the right decision.

Accepting demo offers is helpful. It allows you to have first-hand and hands-on experience on the platform. You can personally evaluate its features, usability, and functionality. It allows you to understand its capabilities better.

During the demo, you can test its user-friendliness. This feature is key because it impacts the ease of use for your HR team. It’s what makes it easy to adapt to your current situation.

Moreover, you have time and space to go in-depth on the solution. Demos are given or accompanied by the expert vendor. Through this appointment, you have access to professionals who can cater to your inquiries and concerns.

Determine the Investment Cost

Accept demo offers

Finances are an important resource and it is necessary to deliberate wisely. Therefore, Calculating the investment cost and return on investment is essential.

There are two strategies to know if this is the right investment. It involves the pre-purchase and post-purchase impression on the platform. The pre-purchase determines if the HRIS and payroll solution is aligned with your budget.

On the other hand, the post-purchase is the result of your investment. This takes more time to assess. After your chosen duration of time, you can get qualitative and quantitative results of the integration. Qualitative data is collected through interviews and surveys from your HR department. The quantitative data is the information collected and analyzed by your chosen IT platform.

Key Takeaway

Finding the best HRIS and payroll software requires careful evaluation. It is a mixture of assessing your needs and the capabilities of the solutions presented to you.

In choosing the right system for you, do not look further but with Richtek Solutions. We have developed a comprehensive tool that can address challenges in your HR processes. Omniwys is designed for your utmost convenience. It can streamline communication, enhance employee engagement, and ensure regulatory compliance. Moreover, it can be equipped with a reliable payroll feature. So, connect with us today to schedule an HRIS demo.